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The meaning of co-curricular activities revolves around its different feature and characteristics. For the overall development of a child, curriculum is not only the single criteria. The holistic growth as well as to develop the various facets of personality development of students; classroom teaching should be supplemented with co-curricular activities. These out of class activities affect all domains of life such as cognitive (intellectual), emotional, social, moral, cultural and aesthetic. Co-curricular activities meaning are more focused upon cognitive aspects thereby help in intellectual development. Competitiveness, excellence, quality achievements, creativeness and enthusiasm are few of the ethics of extra-curricular activities and also strengthen the meaning of co curricular activities in schools & Colleges at Sankul – Amreli.

Non-academic activity in the form of co-curricular one provides support to students to venture into professional fields like fashion, music, painting, art, acting, photography, printing and many more. That’s why students need co-curricular activities, which helps in enhancing many skill developments.

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